The Museu Vale will have a new headquarters at the Port of Vitória

The new headquarters of Museu Vale will be installed in Warehouse 4 and the annex building of the Port of Vitória, in the center of the capital. The Cultural Institute Vale and Vports, responsible for the port’s operation, signed an agreement last week to make the new cultural space in Espírito Santo viable.

The warehouse and annex building, with a total area of ​​3,400 square meters, are located near the Palácio Anchieta and will undergo renovations and adjustments to accommodate the museum. The space will be completely modernized, undergoing territorial, landscape, economic, and social restructuring. Details will be defined after the completion of ongoing projects.

“The installation of Museu Vale in the Port of Vitória, a region that is part of Vale’s history and where visitors can see the old Pedro Nolasco Station, reinforces the company’s commitment to staying connected to the history of Espírito Santo and providing access to culture and leisure for the Capixabas (the people of Espírito Santo), also contributing to the revitalization of the city center,” highlights the president of the Cultural Institute Vale, Hugo Barreto. “The Museum reaches 25 years maintaining its vocation for education and, with its extramural activities, democratizes access to art and mobilizes different audiences,” he adds.

The expectation is that the new headquarters will be open to the public from 2025, with a new museography and including a section on the history of the port. In this way, Museu Vale will maintain its three axes of action: access to contemporary art, the promotion of art education and memory and historical preservation.

The location is symbolic, as Vale’s operations in Espírito Santo began at the Port of Vitória. The connection with the landscape of Vitória Bay will also be maintained. Until the inauguration of the new space, Museu Vale will continue its extramural activities.

“For us at VPorts, the partnership that brings Museu Vale to the Port of Vitória is another materialization of our commitment to the people of Espírito Santo, not only from the economic development point of view but also in the appreciation and recognition of culture and its transformative potential. All of this within a context that aligns with actions for the revitalization of the center of Vitória and the construction of a close relationship between the port and the community. We have a lively port that, every day, through serious and coordinated work, becomes more dynamic, modern, and attentive to sustainability, social responsibility, and governance issues,” emphasizes Ilson Hulle, CEO of VPorts, informing that the partnership that will make the museum viable in the Port area is the fifth contract signed by VPorts in 14 months of concession.

According to him, the installation of the museum is also connected to one of the improvement and recovery projects of the structure that has been developed by VPorts. There are several initiatives focused on the modernization of operation and structure, including the recovery of the five warehouses and buildings in the port area.

About Museu Vale

In its 25 years of history, Museu Vale has already held 53 major exhibitions and received more than 2.2 million visitors.

Since the beginning of this year with extramural actions, the museum has reached new audiences – reaching squares, parks, new spaces, and more and more people through exchanges and knowledge interchanging.

Currently, Museu Vale is holding the exhibition “Where Dreams Come From | Andrea and José Olympio Pereira Collection” at the Palácio Anchieta. In addition to exhibitions, the museum continues its art-education activities in public schools in the state, at the Vale Botanical Park in Vitória, and at the Vale Natural Reserve in Linhares.

The museum’s activities are connected to Vale’s Cultural Institute, which, since its creation in 2020, has been present in more than 70 sponsored, authorial, and collaborative projects throughout Espírito Santo, such as the Festa da Penha, the Vitória Film Festival, CineMarias, and the Pocar Festival of Culture. Vale’s Cultural Institute Vale also has Vale Música Serra, created in 2000, which promotes musical education activities for public school students in Espírito Santo. The project, operating at the Estação Conhecimento Serra, has various reference groups, such as an orchestra, youth chamber music, symphonic band, children’s choir, youth choir, and jazz band.

About Vports – the new port of Vitória

The first and only privatized port in Brazil, after privatization in September 2022, Vports – the new Port of Vitória – is the port authority responsible for the administration of the terminals in Vitória, Vila Velha, and Barra do Riacho.

In total, more than 8 million tons are handled annually, with more than 1.35 million square meters of available areas and 450,000 static storage capacity. Considered a multipurpose port due to the diversification of cargo, Vports integrates all modes and connects people, projects, and companies. By taking over the management of the Port of Vitória, VPorts committed to carrying out a series of infrastructure and port superstructure projects, totaling investments of R$ 130 million, including the renovation of warehouses, the recovery of the railway, and two berths in Capuaba, among other initiatives.