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Guided tour in Libras Workshop Fabulando FOLHEAR – Between palm trees and imaginary beings
 9am and 2pm
 Parque Botânico Vale

Target audience: groups with appointments and walk-ins
More information: (27) 99252-7525 and

In the Folhear exhibition, by artists Felipe Barbosa and Rosana Ricalde, curated by Ronaldo Barbosa, the educational activities developed in partnership with art educator Janaina Melo, Fabulando Folhear: entre palmeiras e seres imaginários, transform guided visits into moments of storytelling, exercising creativity.

The guided visit in Libras (Brazilian sign language) is a way of making the exhibition accessible and inclusive for visitors with any degree of hearing impairment.

Location: Vale Botanical Park (Vitória)
Date: August 21, 9 am and 2 pm
Target audience: groups with appointments and walk-ins
More information: (27) 99252-7525 and