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Fantastic Characters Workshop – Natureza Capixaba
 05.Nov.2024 a 06.Nov.2024
 November 5 (Tuesday), from 9am to 11:30am and 2pm to 4:30pm | November 6 (Wednesday), from 2pm to 5pm
 Museu Capixaba do Negro – Mucane, Vitória city center
 Scheduled school groups and spontaneous public

More information
(27) 99252-7525 and

Fantastic Characters – Natureza Capixaba is a workshop dedicated to creating characters for fantastic narratives, including short stories, novels, poems and fantasy, science fiction and horror scripts.

In this space, the Espírito Santo territory will serve as a social and cultural backdrop for the development of the stories. Basic illustration concepts will be presented, enriching the final result of the project: the creation and organization of a fanzine with all the productions.

The project encourages reading and writing, valuing the folklore of Espírito Santo and its African and indigenous heritage, in addition to highlighting the cultural richness of Espírito Santo. It will also promote a debate on fantasy literature as a way of reflecting on society.

Programação Novembro Negro Museu Vale in partnership with Museu Capixaba do Negro – Mucane

Project selected in the Museu Vale 2024 Call for Proposals