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Training | Exhibition Production: Module 05 – Exhibition Photography | Museu Vale Extramuros
 20.Jan a 24.Jan
 2pm to 5pm
 Hub ES+ | Praça Costa Pereira, 30 - Centro, Vitória

Inscrições até 11 de janeiro de 2025:

The Museu Vale continues its Exhibition Production training, focusing on educational activities that present some of the disciplines that involve this specific knowledge.

The fifth module, developed by facilitator Rafaela Netto, is aimed at photography professionals who wish to improve their photographic records of art exhibitions. The fundamentals of architectural photography will be taught through theories and practical exercises conducted at the Transitar o Tempo exhibition.

Rafaela Netto
A photographer for 19 years, she has dedicated herself to architectural photography since 2013. Based in Cairo, she researches and photographs Islamic architecture, in addition to producing commercial essays on contemporary Egyptian architecture. She has photographed exhibitions at the Centro Cultural Vale Maranhão, São Paulo Cultural Center, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, the Brazilian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020, the Rio Art Museum, Paço das Artes São Paulo, Maria Antônia University Center, Galeria Zíper, Galeria Pilar and the Brazilian British Center.

About the classes:

Class 01: Fundamental concepts of architectural photography. How to photograph an art exhibition: photographic techniques

Class 02: Guided practice at the Transiting time exhibition

Class 03: Photographic exercise at the Transiting time exhibition

Class 04: Fundamentals of image processing focused on architecture and lighting

Class 05: Practice of image processing focused on architecture and lighting

Date: January 20 to 24 (Wednesday to Friday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Hub ES+ | Praça Costa Pereira, 30 – Centro, Vitória
Further information: WhatsApp 27 99277-4474 and

 📱 @museuvale

*This training is an initiative of the Vale Museum and Vale Cultural Institute, in partnership with Hub ES+ and the State Secretariat for Culture of ES (Secult ES).